Okay, the date on the above picture does NOT reflect the actual time in space that is was taken. This was last Christmas in Nebraska. The wind was blowing just a bit and the temperature was somewhere in the negatives. I just had to suit up in my bicycling attire and take my bike out with frozen tires, frozen brake cables, frozen shifters just so I could do some photo OP and say that I did it. :)
Now, on to the title of this posting. I think I have realized a trend in my life. I find myself gravitating to exercising my brain as I enter into the winter months. The outside projects and activities become limited with weather and the lack of long days of sunlight...so, I realized that I gravitate toward reading more. A good thing for me. I'm not much of a reader. I traditionally gravitate towards books with lots of pictures, in the past as an adult this has been in the form of Car history books, Airplane history books, gun history books and books full of galactic images: stars, planets, galaxies, nebulae, etc...I'm sure I've left out a few other image ridden reading materials. But, this fall I have been investing my limited reading power on thought provoking material, C.S. Lewis' Space Trilogy, some public dialog on theology/philosophy, intense reading concerning the activity in the Middle East...reading not typical to my style. More on that later as I continue to immerse myself in that.
Several things have unfolded in my life starting in July of this year. I started working for BP America in July. Yep, that's the big oil and gas producer that has been pegged as the primary responsible party for the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. This has become a dream job for me. I was hired on as an Automation Engineer and support the San Juan Basin asset based out of Durango and Farmington. The good news is that after 5 months with the company, the honeymoon does not appear to be anywhere over. I truly enjoy the work that I am doing. It is a new and refreshing challenge to me on a regular basis and I am growing in many directions in my person in such a fashion that I have desired for a long time. I feel appreciated and valuable and believe my contributions to the company are really making a difference.
Virtual Mission Control is gaining steam and hopefully, in January, I will kick off a Beta mission with Ignacio, Bayfield, Durango and other participating school districts.
I electronically published my second book, "Heart Resolute", on amazon.com. Yeah! I will likely publish it in paperback form early next year.
I did a whole lot of tile and hardwood flooring this summer as we embark on remodeling the old portion of our house. So far, So good. The floors are outstanding.
Enough, this is starting to sound like the typical family Christmas newsletter! What pearls of wisdom can I pretend to share? As before, live life to the fullest. Don't be hindered by anything. Don't let those around you define who you can or can't be. Live life and enjoy it. Be a blessing to those around you. Be generous in a time when things are tough for a lot of people and your seemingly simple acts of kindness may have a greater impact in a person's life than you may ever realize. Smile, hold a door for someone, bring a surprise breakfast snack to your office buddies, offer a kind word "with no strings attached". Remind those around you how beautiful and wonderful they are. People need that encouragement right now. Life is tough for a lot of us. That's all for now. Wish I had more. Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year! ~James