So, I'm sure you are wondering about the title of this posting. I've since lost count of which round I am up to on the Schwinn "Homegrown". I have been pushing myself to go faster on the same trail and gaining success over technical areas that had previously been conquering me. The rides have been great. I'm enjoying the bike immensely and my jeans are not so tight around the waist lately. But today's story tops them all. This morning during my break I looked on Craigslist.org to see if I could find an unreasonably low cost road bike that I could mount on my trainer this winter in order to keep my exercise regiment going and even do a little bit of road biking when the winter weather permits. So I come across an old, yes vintage even, Miyata road bike with about the right frame size for my height. I email the owner, he still has it. Then at some point we exchange a few words on the phone and we come up with a plan to meet at his house around lunch time. I head down with my vintage Schwinn on the bike rack. I pull up to his house and get out. We introduce ourselves and he promptly and excitedly explains to me that the bike on the back of my car was once his! Haha. He was the one who actually bought it from Ruthie Matthes at her yard sale. Then at some point, the man I bought it from had bought it from this person now standing before me. Wow! Well it turns out that this fine gentleman I had just met knows the art of generosity and three hours later a new friend had been made and I drove off with a road bike for the winter training plans AND a few really cool/fun retro colored mountain bike tires for the Schwinn.
During the course of our conversation, we discovered that we had a few mutual friends as if the bike thing wasn't enough. Turns out he is very near and dear to the hearts of a young married couple of whom I have had the privilege and joy of knowing the past couple of years. Note that I have omitted the names of all involved in order to protect the innocent. Haha. All of you know who you are and know that you are all dear to my heart. I am very happy with my new found friend today and look forward to many more enjoyable conversations with him in the future.
For your viewing enjoyment I've included a picture of my Schwinn with those vintage red tires mounted and ready for the trail! Woohoo! And of course I've included a picture of the awesome vintage Miyata road bike that I had set out to buy in the first place. It sure rides nice. Thanks Dennis!
Keep it up my friend...my pants just fall off now. 30 pounds in three months..and counting. All due to a nice kick start, but more so due to shear determination. You rock. Love the writing.